When the answer is no

I had to say no, and disappoint my friend. That was tough – and as I considered how I would explain my reasons for no, it bothered me all day. There is nothing that causes more distress for me than being the source of disappointment to anyone…friend, co-workers, acquaintances, family… disappointment is high on my … Read more

Tell it to someone who cares

Tell it to someone who cares. How often have your heard those words spoken?  How often were they intended to warm your heart and give you confidence? Right! Most of the time, when you hear, “Tell it to someone who cares.” the literal meaning is, “Nobody cares.”  It hurts when nobody cares, especially when we’re … Read more

Reading, Writing, and that's about it …

About forty years ago a friend and I were engrossed in conversation and the topic of books came up. Being a voracious reader, I started rattling off all the books I’d been reading and all the ones stacked up that I planned to read and she floored me with one statement. “I only read the … Read more

Are there any answers?

Thousands of people woke up sadder today than they did yesterday. The tragedy at the finish line of the Boston Marathon shocked our nation once again and we are all reeling with agitated and screaming emotions. There will be plenty of speculation, “It happened because …” and plenty of blame, “Security was inadequate and it’s … Read more

A maze of opportunty

I wish I could show you what’s on my list today.  In fact, I could show you but you wouldn’t believe it – because neither do I.  God has been silent in my life for a while and I’d keep asking him if I was doing the right thing, on the right path, seeking the … Read more

Refining Grace